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Quit Smoking
Reclaim Your life


Hypnotherapy for smokers

*Please note: Some clients' results may vary


Quit Now! â€‹


Helping you reclaim your life.

Stop smoking… Quit now… Kick the habit for good…


Easy to say, not so easy to do.


Unless we walk around with our eyes closed and our ears blocked, we all know the consequences of smoking: the chemicals and toxic substances we ingest, the damage they cause to our lungs, our hearts, our circulation, our skin and even our eyesight.


We know that smoking decreases our life expectancy, endangers our children and wreaks havoc with the budget. And if you’re a smoker, you also know that you’re well on the way to being a social outcast, a pariah… You know all the reasons you should stop, BUT…


And it’s that BUT that makes hypnosis and hypnotherapy such a unique and effective way to help you stop.


At Cambridge Hypnotherapy, we understand not only the benefits of quitting, but the processes at work, both conscious and unconscious, that keep you puffing away despite the risks.


Our special stop smoking system adapts specifically to you, to your particular habit, and to the times when a cigarette fills a particular need.


We understand how hard it is to quit, but we have such confidence in our program that if you haven’t stopped smoking after one session*, we’ll give you a top-up for free.





Just think of the benefits…


  • Freedom to live the way you choose

  • Easier breathing

  • Decreased risk of serious disease

  • Improved circulation

  • More energy as carbon monoxide levels fall

  • Increased chance of conceiving

  • Healthier pregnancy and healthier baby

  • Less risk to those around you

  • Better sense of taste and smell

  • A boost to the self-esteem


And last but not least:


  • You’ll be a lot richer!


… then click here to arrange a complimentary 20 minute consultation to have all your questions answered in person, and make sure you’re comfortable with us, and with hypnosis.


Whether you then proceed or not, we’ll give you our Self-hypnosis mp3 download, ‘What Will It Mean?’



Click here to find out how we can help.


Call and speak with us now on 01223 720 120.


Everyone who undertakes our one-session stop-smoking program will also be given Joseph’s 'Stop Smoking' Hypnosis mp3 download FREE OF CHARGE to help you stay on track.

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