Cambridge Hypnotherapy for Sleep Disorders
Recently we have had a trend of enquiries at Cambridge Hypnotherapy for sleep disorders from potential clients. The term sleep disorders can mean anything from not being able to get to sleep, constantly waking up due to a light level of sleep, and all the way to people who sleep too much and are constantly tired!
Hypnotherapy for sleep issues is a a great way to make a dramatic and easy change. When you think about it, sleep is 100% controlled by our unconscious mind, and I think we’ve all experienced who hard this makes it to change on a conscious level at times when we’ve been desperate to sleep, but the more you try the more awake you seem to find yourself!
Unfortunately, when it comes to sleep part of our mind (the unconscious) may deem sleep as being wasted time, and if you have an important meeting or presentation the next day then if you spend all night sleeping that means you have less time to spend preparing, right? And if you spent all night preparing your speech etc then you would be able to perform to the very best of your ability the next day, right? WRONG! We can use advance levels of NLP and Hypnosis to allow your mind to learn that even though it makes sense on paper, if you spend all night awake you will undoubtedly be over tired the next day and therefore perform way below par!
We will all have slept on a problem before, and when we do it always seems to feel different the next day. This is because even when you are asleep your mind can continue to process information and this is what we will allow your mind to learn. You will find yourself falling asleep quickly and easily without any sort of anxiety about what could happen and this will be a life long lasting change.
If you would like to change any issue you may have regarding sleep or sleep disorders with Hypnotherapy in Cambridge, please contact us here or call us on 01223 720 120 for a complimentary initial consultation with no obligation to proceed.
We look forward to hearing form you soon!