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Releasing anger ~ Cambridge Hypnotherapy

Luke Clough

This article was written a little while ago for the Time Line Therapy Association about one of my clients and their most brilliant change in their life and showed how wonderful the effects of Time Line Therapy ™ are.

And because it was such a big experience we thought we should put in on our blog as well

Before we worked on this issue I was put to the test to see how good a hypnotist I was. To stop this client smoking in one session. I wouldn’t normally do therapy this way around ~ I would usually deal with issues and then the smoking but this client wasn’t having any of it.

This clients opening sentence to me was:

My Anger is Killing me.”

From the very first moment of learning Time Line Therapy(tm) I knew it worked. It just did. It worked with letting go of my negative emotions on the trainings and wth those I did the exercises with.

But then something happens to test this belief and it did with me, BIG time! My client came into his session and during the personal history the full extent of his problem was presented to me with the words “If I don’t get help I will die ~ That’s what my doctor has told me so I’ve come to you” Wow.

His Doctor knew there was nothing physically wrong but the effects were physical. Our client was losing weight by the day  and dangerously so. This was also causing deterioration in his organs, blood pressure was above high and blood tests showed other malfunctions. On a personal level this man used to have his daughter and son living with him but that had now all changed. His son had left home and no longer wanted more than brief contact and his daughter, now married and recently a mother did not want any contact with her father or her child with her Grandfather. What was at the root of this diagnosis – Anger but anger in the extreme. How was this a problem was a question I didn’t need to ask. How long have you had this problem ~ 11 years.

I asked “How do you do this problem? ” ~ I think about it every minute of my waking day and sometimes in my dreams when I eventually do get to sleep. I argue with this person in my head. I shout and scream in my head. It gets so loud I have to put on earphones and a CD player at full volume to drown out the noise, it’s constant.

I wanted to know as little content as possible but this client wanted me to know a little so I could understand him better.

This is what he told me: “Briefly I am so angry with my wife and have been for 11 years, I’ve told you how it has affected my relationships with my son and daughter and that only fans the flames of this anger. I’ve told you how it has and is affecting my health to the point where I am killing myself. That makes me SO angry as well and I can’t stop it – The problem is my wife died 12 years ago and a year after her death I found out something about what she did behind my back with someone else so I’ll never be able to find out………………..” As always, as I was taught and how I teach in my trainings, I simply follow the scripts which are deep inside me now I can say them unconsciously from memory. We established where his time line was and a simple test flight which being so far away from what he had been talking about was done with ease.

I love to show the diagrams of the process which really pre-teaches the unconscious mind what to do and what will happen and when the emotion will disappear along with a little re-framing of how anger and negative emotions do not protect and are against the prime directive of the unconscious mind. All was going well. What really began to blow him away was that finding the root cause was not 11 years ago but at such an early age. Now for Time Line Therapy(tm) and ten minutes of time.

IT’S GONE! What? how? where? …………….”

After testing, still gone but the real test was to be outside, in the real world. I had tried to make contact but could never get through just voice mail so I didn’t know what to think. Then whilst I was out one day  a second appointment was made for me with this client. Why a second appointment? So maybe I hadn’t got the result we wanted, my belief was really being tested. All I could do is wait.

So there I am waiting for my client and in he comes. “why are you here?” I ask Well I just wanted to tell you what happened since we last met and felt it only right to make an appointment. Here is how I am now: The anger I felt is gone I still can’t get it. My doctor tells me my tests are now showing a dramatic improvement and is left wondering what happened and my weight is returning to what it should be. Oh I’ve stopped smoking – don’t need them any more. But more importantly to me my son has returned home to live with me. Oh I nearly forgot I’m away this weekend to stay with my daughter and her new family and I am now part of the christening plans for my Granddaughter Thank you

Isn’t great to be part of that, the buz you get and reaffirming why we do what we do. Does Time line work? I wouldn’t and couldn’t use it or teach it if it didn’t.

Am I congruent when I talk about time line ~ You guess!

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