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learning to forget people with hypnotherapy

Luke Clough

Changing the way you remember with Cambridge Hypnotherapy

We love to share our clients successes and their concerns. If we can help you see and feel the benefits of changing the way you feel to a way that you want feel and know how quick and easy it can be then it makes our job with you easier and quicker.

Here’s something that we think will give you the confidence to ask us how we can help you and knowing that we can……help you.

Last week I worked with another wonderful client. From the initial consultation she said she wanted to forget someone from her past – completely. No memory of that person, as if they never existed.

So let’s rewind to the initial consultation and this request. Could I or indeed anyone make a person disappear from your memories or past? I actually feel it probably is possible but this is where my training and some may call it code of ethics or simply best practise; because you see just because something may be possible doesn’t make it right when you consider the implications, the effects.

You see, consider if we did this together what would people think of my client when she denied ever having been with this person? What would my client be saying to herself when they saw photographs of the two of them together? You’re mad or “am I going mad?”

Even more important to me and the way I work is if we learn from every experience we won’t make the same mistake again. Imagine this client meeting the same type of person again and again and being totally unfulfilled. Oh…….. Isn’t that what some people actually do and you hear them saying “ I just don’t seem to meet someone different and end up with same old same old!” what an outlook to have!!

So……….although this client was continuing to question their want to have this person disappear from their memories I stood fast and continued to explain and reframe the need to learn from our experiences and that in some way that person taught us something valuable, only valuable however, if we choose to learn and use those learnings in the future.

So what happened??????

One session, yes in only one session this client did a fantastic job of working with me and let go of all those negative feelings. Feeling different in the therapy office/room is one thing but to have the changes in the real world outside is the only real test to know the work we have done together has really worked. So one week later having really gone out and tested our work, their work really as they have to do all the work, 100% result and usually happens other areas of their life had begun to get better too. A double/triple whammie (however you spell that??)

As usual if you wish to experience changes like these, or any other for that matter get in touch and come along for one of our complimentary consultations and find out how you can……..change now!!!!

Call 01223 720 120

Or email via our contact page on the website by clicking here


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