It’s funny how, when we take the time to listen, really listen to our thoughts, what things we can think of that may make a difference to our lives.
Here’s one of mine that has me thinking, wondering ~ maybe it will in you.
I am who I want to be ( C>E the law of cause and effect)
I can be what I want to be and experience
I am what I am experiencing ~ I choose to feel positive or negative
I can choose what I experience ~ right now
I can choose to create my experiences if I dare to dream them
When I dare to dream what I want to experience ~ I have begun the process (of creating my reality)
I then must take action from gratitude of daring to dream
Where this came from?…………….Me ~ thank you Me
It’s good to listen and wonder
(C>E the law of cause and effect) we teach this in our seminars / courses
When I dare to dream what I want to experience
I can choose what I experience ~ right now ~ the work we do here