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Luke Clough

HUGE success story with a gambling addiction client

I just had to share this with you! I'm so proud of, and happy for, my latest client who came to see me for their gambling issues. The change they have made in ONLY ONE week has been astronomical and I couldn't wait to get on here and write all about it!

They came to see me a few weeks ago as they finally realised it was time to make a change. They were bored of the secret gambling, the lying, the taking different routes to places just so that they could place a bet. They had been gambling their entire life, literally since being a really young child. They even remember being in their local cricket club at the age of only 6 or 7, whilst their dad played cricket, and being allowed to play the fruit machine. It all escalated from there. Since that point they have gambled their entire life, and it has caused nothing but heartache, relationship issues, and obviously huge financial loss.

So last week was their first session, where we looked at their history and started to illicit the intention behind the behaviour. This is such a key part of my work, as we can then prove such huge conflict that makes change easy!

And easy it was! Since that session, just over 7 days ago, they have done ZERO gambling! Nothing.... ZERO football bets, ZERO horse bets, ZERO fruit machines, ZERO casinos.... NOTHING!!!! And the best bit about it is that not only have they not gambled, they havent even wanted to! Whenever they have seen something on the TV, or listened to a betting advert on the radio, they have just realised they simply didn't want to act on anything.

Stop gambling with hypnotherapy

It just goes to show that just because someone may have been doing something for a big part of their life, that doesn't align with who they want to be, that it doesn't make it any harder to change when their problem is approached in the right way!

That's what we do here at Cambridge Hypnotherapy. We help our clients make quick, and long lasting change in the fewest number of sessions possible (usually only 2-3)

So do you want to carry on behaving or feeling in away that just doesn't suit you anymore? If so, just drop us a contact and allow us to do the rest with you :)

Speak soon,


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