A great friend of ours, Denise, is creating a day devoted to back care. Something I think most of us could benefit from. Denise is a really well known and respected professional yoga teacher.
It’s being held on Saturday 6th March 10 am to 4 pm at Cottenhan Primary school, Lambs Lane, Cottenham.
Staying flexible, strong & pain free with careful back maintenance and sensible body awareness.
As well as Denise taking you through yoga practise for backs, unwinding and relaxation she has organised guest speakers in Osteopathy, acupuncture and Hypnotherapy & Time Line Therapy. (Guess who’s speaking about Hypnotherapy and Time Line Therapy?)
If you would like to find out more or to book a place, it only costs £36.00 per person, you can directly with Denise via email denise@sibleymooreyoga.co.uk or by calling her direct 01954 202 235.